1st/3rd TUESDAYS
Young Adult Gatherings occur every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.
These services are designed for connection and community, featuring worship, teaching, and time together.
An easy way for young adults to connect—whether it’s grabbing food, hosting a game night, seeing a movie, attending a local event, or serving together. Hangouts are announced in the YA GroupMe , so stay tuned for details!

Quarterly worship nights bring together young adult groups from across the Dayton area. Our heart is to unite as the WHOLE body of Christ — to worship, connect, and be the Church in fellowship.
GroupMe is the easiest way for us to keep in touch! It’s where we announce events, hangouts, and important updates—all in one place. Be a part of the conversation and stay in the loop!
Instagram is a powerful missional tool to invite friends to come into community. It’s a chance to digitally display the in person experience and can make people feel comfortable coming to events. It’s not just a social platform, it’s a mission field that God is using to connect this generation that needs community.
Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 7 - 8:30 pm. Girls and guys meet at separate locations.
Guys Group (@ clc, in the café)
Text Brent (937-418-5509) for details.
Ladies Group (in Englewood)
Text Mars (937-405-7826) or Susan at at susieobi024@gmail.com for details and address.
You can browse our list of small groups on the GroupLife webpage. While the Groups filter isn’t currently working, you can scroll through the page to find our Young Adult Groups.
We’re continuing to grow our small groups, so if your interested in leading, feel free to reach out to Pastor Josh or one of our current leaders!
Our group welcomes anyone aged 18–29 who wants to grow in faith and connect with others. If you're 30 or older, we invite you to join our leadership team; otherwise, the 30s/40s group is a new option for you!
Our meetings are typically held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7PM in the West Auditorium at CLC, though locations may vary for special events. To stay updated on where and when we meet, please join our GroupMe!
Not at all! Everyone is welcome, whether you attend CLC, another church, or no church at all.
1st/3rd Tuesday monthly gatherings are flexible, but they typically include worship, a short teaching or discussion, and time to hang out and connect with others.
That’s okay! Our group is super welcoming, and we’ll make sure you feel right at home. You can also bring a friend if it helps!
In addition to gatherings, we host social events, service projects, and hangouts like game nights, hikes, and more!
Most of our events are free, but some activities (like retreats or outings) may have a small cost. We’ll always let you know ahead of time.
How can we pray for you?
No matter the area of life, we are here to pray for you! Please click the button below to connect with our PRAYER TEAM (ongoing), or text the word PRAY to 937-818-4024 (during the weekend services).