Malachi 3:10-11
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and put Me to the test now in this,” says the LORD of armies, “if I do not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.
Why do we give?
We believe God calls us to practice Biblically based stewardship that includes the following attitudes and practices: God is the owner, we are the managers; learn contentment and avoid debt; practice saving and wise investing; always put God first in regularly giving tithes to the ministry of your local church (one tenth of our gross income) and offerings (Above + Beyond as well as other charitable causes).
Where does my money go?
Twenty-five percent of the tithe is invested into partnership organizations and churches all around the world through the God-Sized Vision. The projects funded are vetted through a prayerful team of people who diligently research the partnerships to determine where we can assist an organization. We also strive to maintain ongoing relationships to build a stronger community. Every project approved also advances the kingdom of Christ.
How to give.
You can use our secure platform to quickly and easily give online. Thank you for your generosity!
Tithe Challenge
Countless people experience God’s blessings when they tithe, but often the first step is the hardest one to take. The Tithe Challenge is a money-back guarantee of sorts. Essentially, it’s a contract based on God’s promises in Malachi 3:10-11.
Here’s our commitment to you. If you tithe and God has not provided for your needs, we will refund 100% of your tithe. (Refunds will not exceed the tithe contribution you made during the challenge).