High School Mission Trip

COSTA RICA 2025 Application

WHEN: June 18 - 26, 2025
WHERE: San Jose, Costa Rica
WHO: Students completing grades 8 through 12 by trip dates
COST: $2,000/person ($300 deposit at time of registration after application is approved.)
DUE DATE: Applications are due by Sunday, December 8! Deadline extended until Sunday, December 15 at midnight!!

The beauty of Costa Rica will captivate and inspire us as we serve on this year's mission trip. While partnering with missionaries, local pastors and churches, our mission trip group will be able to make a difference in the lives of those we serve and experience a life change ourselves.

For the past two years, we have partnered with ChildHope in Costa Rica for our Mission Trips, but this year, we are partnering with world-class Missionaries and Visionaries Adam and Sarah Quinn. Like ChildHope, the Quinn’s are located in the heart of Costa Rica, San Jose and we will still be able to visit the ChildHope School we built in Los Guido! We will have the opportunity to lift up the pastors who are investing in their communities every day while sharing the love of Christ with those we meet in tangible ways.

As we minister in Costa Rica, the mission trip will be catered to meet the needs of the local community while utilizing our unique gifts. From children's ministry and evangelism to community projects and prayer walking, we will share the love of Jesus and His word!

The cost for this trip is between $1,800 and $2,000/person and the cost will not go below this cost; the cost may be more than this cost due to travel days.

Interested in going?
Start the application process by picking up a Costa Rica Mission Trip Commitment/Application form below. A paper version of the form is also available at the StudentLife Center (SLC). If using a paper application, please submit it to Pastor Chris or one of the High School leaders.

Each applicant will go through a review process to be selected to go. Many factors will go into the acceptance process including age, involvement, maturity, readiness, and commitment.

Applications are due by December 8! Deadline extended until Sunday, December 15 at midnight!!

Families will be notified about acceptance by December 15. The next step will be to submit the non-refundable $300 deposit and the registration forms and waivers as soon as possible or at the latest by Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

NOTE: Each participant will need a valid current Passport.

Please pray with us for God to be glorified through our students in this trip and for students to meet God in a powerful new way.

Questions? Please see Pastor Chris before or after services OR email him at: cpinkston@clcdayton.org